infinite path Martial Arts, Self Defense, Natural Fitness. Custom e Learning, Private Instruction. Est. 2002.

Christopher Scafone. Northern MI. (248) 284-3242
Martial Arts, self defense, natural fitness.
customized online instruction. Learn at Your own pace from the safety, comfort of home.
Sidestepping Compound Attacks
Classic Combination
Cosmic Kung Fu
total body workouts, healthy training methods.
Learn practical skills. get in shape. Lose weight. reduce stress.
Shihonage 3
Sabaki 5
Big Punch Flow
enjoy our growing library of free content.
enroll in asynchronous training for Forms/applications, routines, assignments, instructor feedback on your techniques.
Easy to follow modular curriculum adapted to your needs.
Private Instruction with Christopher Scafone
Available via Zoom meetings or In-Person (locally).
Contact to learn more/schedule private instruction. Complete New Student Survey below.
Customized learning plans for all ages, ability-levels, special needs.
Kung Fu, Self Defense, Tai Chi, Natural Fitness, Weightloss, Toning, Individuals, Families, Groups.
ADD, ADHD, OCD, autism, developmental, physical challenges of every kind. We achieve results.
a unique perspective, synthesis of the following disciplines. proven methods for effective home study.
shaolin kung fu
The 5 Yue Chia Fighting Forms
Temple Forms: Sanzan, Seisan, Sanseiryu, Renshukenichiryo, Jakenichiryo.
Bo (ShuishiNoKon), Sword (UeshibaNoKatana)
Stretching (Hatha yoga) and strengthening methods
Spinal Ascension routine (Kriya)
Partner Work: Block/counter, sparing, bags, mitts
Meditation/Chi-Kung: Crane, Microcosmic Circulation, Cobra (Kriya) breath techniques, mantra, affirmations, visualizations.
Yue Chia Chuan Fa is a comprehensive philosophy of martial art. Long range, close range, grappling, controls, throws, weapons, meditation. Lowest to highest levels of self defense.
Self Defense seminars
Learn to protect yourself and live with greater authentic calm and confidence. Life-changing content tailored to age/needs of group.
Sensitivity: Your first line of defense.
Action: Defusing potential/actual situations.
Fighting: Practical methods that can save your life.
Education: Attitude of lifelong learning.
Men, women, children, families, organizations, groups.
Safe, positive, wholesome atmosphere. One of the best gifts you could ever give to someone you care about.
Yang Style Tai chi
Stretch & strengthen your mind and body with soft, natural, circular movements. Moving meditation.
Long Form (108)
Saber Form
Bo Form
Straight Sword Form (54)
Partner Form (88)
Meditation/Chi-kung applications
Vitality, sensitivity, balance, coordination, introspection, inner peace, intuition. Ideal for seniors to stay sharp & fit.
Currently available via private instruction only.
Hatha, Kriya yoga
Stretch, strengthen, tone and rediscover your bodily temple with asana, pranayama and meditation.
Sun/Moon Salutations, Spinal Ascension routine.
Meditation Techniques:
Hong Sau
Jiyoti Mudra
* Elements of this practice are incorporated into
all Infinite Path programs.
Christopher scafone is an expert in natural fitness training (cardio, strength, flexibility) and can help you achieve new levels of fitness, form, function.
Tai chi training currently available via private instruction only.
(248) 284-3242. Located in Traverse City, MI, USA

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Unlock Your Potential, Workouts That Work For You.